Laurie’s Path to Finding the Right Doctor, the Right Test, and the Right Treatment

Laurie Seligman, a 57-year-old bookkeeper living in Texas, had a lingering cough, but over-the-counter cough syrup seemed to help, so she didn’t think much of it and she continued with her usual activities. 

One day in 2017, she hurt her back moving a heavy bed, and went to her general care doctor. She mentioned the cough and got an X-ray. After being treated for pneumonia, her symptoms subsided. She had a follow-up X-ray but was told that it was normal for the pneumonia to still be visible on the scans even after the symptoms were gone.  

Linda I. Shares Her Story

I was told on October 11, 2007, that I had non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). I was 46 years old with 2 kids — 7 and 12 year olds — at home waiting for me.

I had an MRI and PET scan and had my second lung cancer diagnosis. I went to Lombardi Cancer Center in Georgetown (Washington, DC) and they took care of me.  Those amazing people guided me on my journey with bilateral lung cancer.

I was not aware of biomarkers back then, but I had bilateral thoracotomies and chemotherapy.

I survived.    

In 2016, I was told about my next diagnosis.