Tracing the Clues of a Global Killer: How Dr. Charles Swanton’s Research Is Shedding New Light on Lung Cancer

As Chief Investigator of the groundbreaking Cancer Research UK (CRUK) TRACERx study, you could say that Dr. Charles Swanton is having a moment. Launched nine years ago, TRACERx seeks to understand lung cancer at its most basic level, “tracing” the clues that may predict how it starts and eventually changes over time so that doctors can treat it better.


Tackling the Biggest Challenges in Cancer

Cancer Grand Challenges is a partnership between Cancer Research UK (CRUK) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI), which funds global teams of leading researchers across various scientific disciplines to tackle some of the toughest challenges in cancer research. As Dinah Singer, Acting Director of NCI’s Center for Strategic Scientific Initiatives says, “Cancer research is a global endeavor.” 

Real-World Drug Development at the Targeted Therapies of Lung Cancer Meeting

The development of new treatments for any disease relies on the collaborative efforts of many different stakeholders, such as scientists, clinicians, patient advocacy groups, regulators, and pharmaceutical and biotech companies.

During scientific conferences that happen throughout the year, stakeholders cobble together opportunities to discuss the current state of treatments and strategize ways to bring emerging lifesaving treatments to patients.

We're Live-Tweeting from ASCO June 3-7!

LUNGevity’s Dr. Upal Basu Roy and Dr. Amy Moore will be live-tweeting from the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) annual meeting. Follow LUNGevity on Twitter and the hashtags #ASCO22 and #LCSM to be a part of the action. Times and topics of live-tweeted sessions are as follows:

Fri, Jun 3, 2022 | 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM EDT | Lung Cancer—Non-Small Cell Metastatic 


Lung Cancer Treatment Landscape: New Options and Ongoing Challenges

Drs. Upal Basu Roy, Amy Moore, and Dhru Deb discuss their recent publication in which they presented an analysis of the lung cancer drug pipeline. They talk about what it means for patients, new drugs under development for NSCLC and SCLC, and some of the ongoing challenges and opportunities this rapid growth means for the lung cancer community.

New Options in Adjuvant Therapy for Early-Stage NSCLC

Historically, surgery has been the most effective treatment for patients with early-stage non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). While technological improvements, such as the development of minimally invasive techniques (such as video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery or VATS), have made surgeries safer for patients, the ability to cure early-stage NSCLC patients hasn’t improved significantly in recent decades.

Highlights of the 2022 AACR meeting

The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) 2022 meeting was held in New Orleans from April 9 to 13. Doctors and researchers worldwide joined together virtually and in person to make this year’s meeting one of the largest gatherings since the start of the pandemic. They shared the many exciting developments in cancer research and treatment that emerged over the last year. This year’s meeting is another testament to “Science doesn’t stop, and scientists never sleep!” Here, we discuss some of the major highlights of the meeting.
